What is it used for?

The Account List panel allows administrators and authorized users to access the account list created within the system, displaying it based on time or textual parameters chosen by the administrator. All accounts are displayed with their descriptive fields divided into columns. 
The last column contains the tools that let you operate on each account. From the account list, you can also access the function of manually creating the account, through the "New User Account" feature.

Account search filters

To create account lists tailored to your needs, the system provides the operator with some search filters. Specifically:
  • Time/Status search: by clicking on the tab, you can access "Status" and "Interval", two drop-down menus. The "Status" menu allows you to obtain lists filtered by the account status. The "Interval" menu, on the other hand, allows you to filter the account lists on a time basis, referring to the creation date.

  • Text search: by clicking on the tab, defining through the drop-down menu the field within which you want to search and entering text in the free search field, you can get account lists containing the searched value in the selected field.

In both cases, once the search filters have been set, simply click the "Search" button to view the results.