Guest Portal Composer and Guest Portal Creation
Modificato il: Gio, 4 Feb, 2016 alle 6:34 PM
What is it used for?
The Guest Portal Composer allows the administrator to generate easily and with a high level of customization one or more Guest Portals that you want to show users connected to the network of the location.
To access the Guest Portal Composer, simply enter the Guest Portal panel and click "New Guest Portal", over the Guest Portal chart.
How to create the Guest Portal structure
To create the structure of a Guest Portal using the commands of the Guest Portal Composer, you must know the basics first.
A Guest Portal structure is based on data stores having different levels and customization features. These data stores are divided into:
- Rows: rows are the fundamental organizational element of the page and contain all the other elements. You can create single column or double column rows, using the commands of the Guest Portal Composer. When entering multiple rows, each new row is automatically placed below the previous one. Rows are draggable and can be placed anywhere on the page. Please note that when a row is moved, all the elements contained in it are moved as well.
- Modules: inside the rows, you can enter modules. The modules work as data stores for the Guest Portal Widgets, as well as organizational elements of the page structure. When entering multiple modules, each new module is automatically placed in its own column, below the previous one. You can drag them and customize the position. When a module is moved, the widgets contained in it will also be moved. Only a single widget can be placed within each module.
Widgets: Widgets are the real content items that can be placed inside the Guest Portal. There are different types of widgets available. For more information, consult the guide to the "Widget Types and entry procedures."
Controls of the Guest Portal Composer
The Guest Portal Composer has some basic buttons:
- Add row – 1 column: this feature allows you to add a single column row to the Guest Portal. The row created using this function will therefore be characterized by a single column in which the modules are to be entered, that will occupy the entire extent of the column itself.
- Add row – 2 columns: the button allows you to add a double column row to the Guest Portal. The row created will therefore support the inclusion of modules on two columns side by side, each one occupying half of the total extension of the row.
- Template details: by clicking on this button, a form containing two text fields to be filled in (Name and Description) with information to be assigned to the template of the Guest Portal will appear. Once you have entered the desired information, click confirmation to apply changes.
- Save Template: allows you to save the template of the Guest Portal in the status in which it is at the time of the save request.
- Preview: the preview button leads to a preview screen of the Guest Portal selected.
Please note that the Guest Portal is automatically displayed in its format for consultation. Using the buttons in the preview bar at the top, you can view the other display formats, differentiated by the type of device used (tablet or smartphone).
- Add Module: the button allows you to enter additional modules in the selected row in addition to the default one entered automatically when creating the row.
- Drag Element: the function allows to move the draggable elements of the page to the desired position. To move an item of the Guest Portal, just click the drag icon, move it to the desired position and then release the mouse button.
- Delete Element: allows to delete modules and rows previously entered on the page. To delete items, simply click the button. A message will appear to confirm the deletion. Click "Ok" to complete the process. It should be noted that deleting a module, the widget contained therein is automatically deleted. Eliminating a row, all modules and widgets it contains are automatically deleted.
- Enter Widgets: clicking on this button, you can enter inside the selected module the desired widget from those available.

Widget Types and entry procedures
These are the types of widgets currently available on the system.
To add them, simply click the "Add Widget" button and choose the desired item from the list.
Each widget may require more specific settings to configure upon entering.
Here are the details on the types and configuration process:
- Text: allows you to show users a fully customizable message. Upon entering, it will appear a form to fill consisting of a title and body text. After entering the information, click the "Save" button to apply the settings or "Delete" to cancel the operation.
- Banner: allows you to embed an image (banner or logo of the location) in the Guest Portal When entering, the system requires you to upload the desired image file from your computer and, if you want, to indicate the link to which redirect users who click the image. You can enter files in JPG, GIF and PNG format. Please note that, by default, the image is automatically centered within the module in which it is placed. Click "Save" to apply the settings or "Delete" to cancel the operation.
Please note that if you set a link to which direct users to click the image and URL set to a resource on the internet, you must include the address in the walled garden or in the white list of the system so as to make the page also accessible by users not yet authenticated on the system.
- Spacer: has the function to enter a blank space among widgets inside the Guest Portal, contributing to the aesthetic organization of the page. During the entering process, a drop-down menu appears requesting you to set the height of the desired spacing on the basis of pre-configured values (1 to 5). Then, click the "Save" button to apply the settings or "Delete" to delete the operation.
- Portalpage button: displays the link to the Portal Page of the system, through which users can access the Internet in the manner provided by browsing profiles active on the system. Entering this widget requires no additional configuration.
- Guestbook: inserts the form through which users can leave feedback and comments on the location. The addition of this widget requires no additional configuration.

- Guestbook View: shows users the feedback left by guests of the location, which have previously been approved by the system administrator. Upon entering, you are requested to configure the number of reviews to display. You can choose to show 3, 5 or 7 reviews. Then, click the "Save" button to apply settings or "Delete" to cancel the operation.

- Weather: allows you to display information about weather conditions and forecast for a place set by the administrator. While entering, you are requested to choose the location for which you want to get the weather forecast, writing the name on the text form that appears on the screen. Then, click "Save" to apply the settings or "Delete" to cancel the operation.
- News: displays the latest news published on the Internet, updated in real time. The addition of this widget requires no additional configuration. The user is shown the news, if available, of the geographical area corresponding to the language set on the browser with which they access the system. It is also available a drop-down menu through which the user can choose the geographical area (and language) for which they want to display the news.
Clicking on each news the user accesses a follow-up page in which the full abstract of the news is reported. From this page you can access, by clicking on the title of each news, the website on which the original version of the news is published. If the user tries to access an external resource while they are not authenticated, they will be redirected to the "portal page" in order to complete the authentication process required to access the Internet.
- Walled Garden: the widget displays the list of sites freely accessible by users connected to the Wi-Fi of the structure. These sites (which can be set by the platform administrator, through the Marketing> Walled Garden panel) are accessible even by those who don’t have created a browsing account.
Places: the widget displays a list of locations and local businesses nearby, directly taken from Google Places registered locations. The places will be shown to users divided in categories and ordered by distance. Whenever a user clicks on a place, a card appears, containing the map, the address and the description of the location, including photos and reviews.
The system administrator can choose which categories must be shown and can insert specific places in the list. These ones will be highlighted at the top of the list for its relative category.

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