What is it used for?
The Texts and terms of use sub-panel allows the administrator to configure and customize the terms of use to be submitted for acceptance to the system users, before authorizing the access.
You can customize text preset by default within the platform, to meet your data collection needs, and choose whether to make the acceptance of the conditions of use by users who create an account mandatory, optional or unnecessary.
It must be noted that these settings are required to set up the distribution of all types of accounts, except for those created manually.
Terms and Disclaimers
The configurable fields within the panel are the following:
- Terms acceptance
- Terms of service
- Privacy Policy
- Marketing Disclaimer
After making the changes you want, to apply them to the settings, simply click the "Save" button, at the bottom left of the panel.
Terms Acceptance
The Mandatory disclaimer field allows to make the acceptance of the terms of use by users who create an account mandatory, optional or unnecessary.
To change the desired settings, just select from the multiple choice menu the settings that are deemed necessary, by clicking for each item in the list on "No", "Optional" or "Required".

Terms of Service
The Terms of Service field contains text informing the users about the constraints and terms of use of the service that the location imposes.
You can customize the text based on the needs of the structure.
By clicking the command at the bottom right side "Restore Default text", the administrator can delete all changes made so far to the terms of use and reset the original default text proposed automatically by the system.
Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy field contains a text that obliges the operators of the system and the location to inform the user of the management of their personal data.
You can customize the text based on the location needs.
By clicking the command at the bottom right side "Restore Default text", the administrator can delete all changes made so far to the terms of use and reset the original default text proposed automatically by the system.
Marketing Disclaimer
The Marketing Disclaimer field contains text that informs users of the possible use by the location of their personal data for purposes other than providing the requested service, that is the sending of promotional material, data collection or other purposes.
You can customize the text based on the location needs.
By clicking the command at the bottom right side "Restore Default text", the administrator can delete all changes made so far to the terms of use and reset the original default text proposed automatically by the system.